Pre-Sermon on the Mount
Last time I shared from the Sermon on the Mount. I should have explained the reasons of my fascination with this well-known passage of the Bible. I have heard it preached many times and have read it many times yet, it has always made me look back into it, as if something was missing. Over a year ago, I found myself working on my Jesus’ script. I was working on the wedding of Canaan, and something made jump back to the Sermon on the Mount. As I was working on Jesus turning water into wine, there is a verse in John 2:6 which says, “Now there were six waterpots of stone standing there, as the Jewish custom of purification (ceremonial washing) demanded, holding twenty to thirty gallons apiece.” (Amplified Bible) What made me look deep into this verse is the fact that it tells you what the waterpots are for, and that they were empty. Studying the Jewish custom of purification and ceremonial washing, Jesus’ turning water into wine becomes a clear and wonderful sign of his ministry. That got me thinking about the Sermon on the Mount. So I went back to the passages of Matthew 5, especially verses 1-16. Again, as I look into it, these familiar verses became alive. It was as if my understanding of these verses were as the empty jar, now filled with the best wine. This study was made for my own research form my Jesus’ script. I apologize if I don’t give reference to some of the sources I used to understand the meaning of the Greek words. I’ll try my best to trace back and refer to them in my up-coming blogs regarding the Sermon on the Mount.
when i think of the marriage wine miracle i always think about how shocked people must have been to see the non-potable water pots with maybe some warning not to drink the contents, and that they had just washed their feet with the contents now decanting some of the best vino. in the movie i have this idea of it was a very good year like playing on the cooks little clock radio. Shot coming from inside th house to the veranda where the party is going on with a much lighter stress free feel.
Posted by daine | April 28, 2008 at 4:17 PM